Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Stressed, Overworked, Feeling Down? Try This...

The Christmas season is upon us and you know what that means? Yes, we get a little time off work to celebrate the season with those close to us. This time off work also means that we will be shuffling papers, crunching numbers, and pulling our hair out trying to meet deadlines so we can have a work-free holiday. These last few days before some much needed time off can take a toll on you if you're not prepared to handle the stress that comes with the pressure of meeting deadlines. Here are some great tips from Inc. Magazine on beating stress.

1. Bring a photo of your significant other or close friend.
A minute or two spent looking at the photo before you are "on" can reset your nervous system. You'll then feel more relaxed and confident because you'll feel more grounded and at home, even in an uncomfortable or unusual setting.
2. Play with a squeeze ball.
The process of squeezing and tensing muscles and then letting go--even if just using fine motor movements--drops your heart rate and makes you less nervous. You can also play with beads or roll stones in your hand; that's why playing with a pen helps many people focus.
The effect is based on proprioperception, the unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation (and a word really hard to say three times quickly.) "You can eliminate fear by 'knowing where you are,'" Dolan says.
Playing with a squeeze ball is perfect for phone calls or webinars. In person, make sure whatever you use to ground yourself isn't distracting to others.
3. Sit on a very large yoga ball and bounce away.
While any amount of bouncing is good, Dolan recommends 15 minutes. "It's really fun, it makes you laugh, and it causes changes to the chemicals in your brain," she says. "You can't release cortisol and adrenaline when you're having fun. You release endorphins instead. That eliminates the fight or flight response and makes you feel more relaxed and confident. The effect can often last for a couple hours."
Sound crazy? Here's some of the underlying science:
  • Bouncing promotes vestibuluar integration. The vestibular system provides the body with information about space, balance, movement, and triggers balance receptors. Vestibular input acts to "prime" your nervous system to function effectively.
  • Bouncing stimulates proprioperception, increasing alertness and decreasing anxiety and making you feel more safe and secure.
  • Bouncing stimulates the speech and language centers of your brain, making you speak more easily and fluently when you're done.
  • Bouncing stimulates the reticular activating system, a neural mechanism that produces alertness and focused attention.
Told you it works.
4. Visualize.
Mental rehearsal is a tool used by successful athletes, performers, astronauts--pretty much everyone.
"Before you walk in the room, visualize a time when you did something and really nailed it, even if what you did doesn't apply to the current situation," Dolan says. "That will cause your brain to secrete serotonin and oxytocin, two chemicals that boost confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation."
You'll be thinking about what you're about to do anyway, so why not visualize exactly how you want it to go and how you'll feel afterward?
Worrying about failure won't help, but visualizing success can.
5. Breathe deep.
Deep abdominal breathing cuts adrenaline and is the scientific basis for the old saw, "Take a deep breath." Adrenaline can trigger fight or flight and also shuts down your frontal cortex, which causes you to be less rational and reasonable.
Two minutes of deep breathing--picture expanding your chest and your stomach, or what Dolan calls belly button deep breathing--will make you a lot less nervous.
Try one. Try two. If what you're about to do is incredibly important--and you're incredibly nervous--try them all.
The impact on your performance will be worth it.

Who would have thought that bouncing on an exercise ball could keep you from pulling your hair out? Now that you've been filled in on the secrets for beating stress, get back to knocking out your work so you can relax this year and enjoy your time off work over Christmas and New Years. You know you deserve it. 

Once again, thanks for reading! I'll be taking the next few weeks off the blog to enjoy my holiday festivities. I apologize in advance to those of you clinging to your seat for the weekly update. Perhaps I can squeak out a small post from my phone if I can figure it out. 

Have a great Christmas and a tremendous New Year!

ServiceMaster by Bell, Inc.
814-764-3232   877-214-1664

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Change of Pace

So for my dedicated blog followers, you may have noticed this blog has been primarily focused on cleaning issues. Today, I will take a slight step off the beaten trail.

I was recently asked to join a referral networking group. My first thought was "Wow, I have to be in Oil City at what time every Monday?!" While an 8AM meeting almost an hour away from home may seem a daunting task to begin your week with, it has proven to be a great resource and a vehicle to meet new, exciting people. The group consists of a variety of business owners. There is a photographer, a chef, a chiropractor, and a salon owner just to name a few. You might ask yourself, "What can these various business owners possibly have in common?" The answer is simple. They all want to make their business thrive, not just grow, but shatter expectations.

Each week we cover various topics and learn more and more about each other. Bonds begin forming and growing amongst the members, and it was not long before the referrals began to flow. Aside from referrals we also share business tips. Week after week these tips have provided a vehicle to get new ideas flowing and spark the creative genius in all of us. We have passed on tips and tricks from our own minds as well as the minds over at Forbes and other influential business publications and writers.

While I was skeptical at first, I am very excited about the group and encourage other business people to get out and find a similar group, or even join us if you are in the Oil City area. If you have any questions please feel free to send them my way.

As always, thanks for reading!

ServiceMaster by Bell, Inc.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Seasonal Influenza: The Flu

As the cold weather sets in for us in Northwest Pennsylvania, a hot topic year after year is Seasonal Influenza. If you are unfamiliar with the term, chances are you know it as the flu. Every year it seems there is always that one kid, or coworker that returns to school or work early from the flu (or doesn't even take time off). Thanks to this workaholic, we now have an  elevated level of germs in the area that may be carrying the influenza virus. Below, I'll give you some tips and tricks for dodging the flu this winter and staying healthy so you can enjoy the holidays.

1. It is not just a "2 or 3 day bug."

Typically, healthy adults are able to infect others 1 day before symptoms show and up to 5-7 days after they fall ill. So do your friends, coworkers, fellow students, and the general public a service by staying in a few extra days. Just think of all the episodes of your favorite tv show you'll be able to catch up on.

2. Door knobs are dirty, but...

Below are the results of a survey published in a recent CleanLink News article about work place cleanliness.

• 51 percent of employees only clean their desks once a week or less, even though germs can live on surfaces for up to three days, especially on the keyboard – typically one of the dirtiest personal workspace items.
• 25 percent believe that door knobs/handles are the dirtiest places in the office, while only 6 percent recognize that the break room sink is actually the dirtiest, followed by the office microwave, which only 8 percent selected.

3. Wash your hands

Just like Mom used to tell you after coming in from playing outside in the mud. This critical step goes a long way in preventing the spread of the flu to you, as long as you do it regularly and frequently. Be sure to use an antibacterial hand soap and a clean, dry, disposable towel to dry your hands (a damp towel is a wonderful place to harbor germs, so why dry your hands with one?). 

4. Don't touch that!

After coming in to contact with a surface or object that could be a high risk for harboring the influenza virus, do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth until you have washed your hands. Touching your face after resting your hand on the desk your coworker (who took yesterday off because he or she had the flu) just sneezed on is a great way to pick up the flu.

Now there was a lot of information there and believe me, I am not trying to turn you in to a germaphobe. I would just suggest you lend a more cautious eye to your everyday interactions this winter to help avoid falling ill to the flu. Once again, thanks for reading and i'll see you all out there with your white gloves, surgical masks, and gallons of hand sanitizer! (I'm kidding...that might make you a germaphobe).

Until next time,

ServiceMaster by Bell, Inc. 
877-214-1664   814-764-3232

Monday, November 19, 2012

Well, today threw a curve ball my way. Due to some issues with the vehicle fleet, i will be unabe to publish the article on flu prevention as i had planned for today. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some peace at the office to allow me to get writing. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Let's Talk Mold

So once again, I find myself back on a hot topic: Mold. I am often asked to take a look at structures that are thought to have mold issues. Too many times customers ask about the cheapest and easiest way to rid their home or other building of mold, as well as what they can do to take care of the issues on their own. Let me make this very clear: mold in your home or any other structure that is inhabited is an extremely serious issue that should be left to trained and knowledgeable professionals.

Let's cover some reasons why you should not risk your health and your structure's integrity trying to remediate fungal issues on your own.

-Fungal growth such as mold can cause various health issues (skin irritation, eye irritation, and nasal congestion are just some minor affects). CDC: How do molds affect people?

-Attempting to remediate mold on your own can actually do more harm than good. If your cleaning methods involve introducing any more moisture to the environment that is not properly dried, more extensive fungal growth is a possibility. Also, you may inadvertently add another food source for the fungus to feed on and continue growing.

-If one attempts to remediate mold on his or own, he or she may cause the fungus to go airborne. If this happens, it may put you or the other inhabitants of the building at an increased risk for respiratory problems.

-Fungus knows how to do two things: eat, and grow. When a fungus feeds it is actually breaking down the food source (fruit, bread, your home's structure) and aiding as well as accelerating the natural decomposition process.

As you can see, the risks associated with trying to remediate mold without the help of a certified professional far outweigh the money that may be saved up front. Please, if you suspect there may be mold growing in your home, contact a certified professional first.

We at ServiceMaster by Bell, Inc. have trained professionals on staff that can help assess any fungal issues you may have, as well as lay out a plan for what needs to be done to correct the issues. We use professional grade products and instruments to remediate mold and other fungal issues, so why not leave the health of you and your family to trained professionals?

Thanks for reading!

ServiceMaster by Bell, Inc.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cleaning Up Spills On Your Carpet

Often I have people ask what they should do to treat small spills on their carpets or furniture. The answer is relatively simple and will save you may headaches down the road. Let's say you're having spaghetti for dinner and your child, who insists on watching his or her favorite cartoon while eating dinner, drops some sauce on your light colored carpet. This glaring red splotch may be the end of the line for your living room carpet, right? Wrong...Don't panic and don't throw every cleaning supply from the cupboard on to the spot. Just wet a clean cloth with warm water and keep another dry, clean cloth handy as well. Start by blotting the spot with the damp cloth. Look for transfer of the spot from the carpet to the cloth. Continue blotting until there is no longer transfer visible. Then blot the spot with the dry cloth, again looking for transfer. Never rub a spot in an attempt to remove it. This will only grind the substance in to the carpet and worsen the situation. 

Thanks again for reading, and as always, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Concerns

Ahhhh, Summer is finally upon us. It feels like it took forever to get here. As you may have noticed with the increase of temperature we also often experience an increase in humidity. This can really present a problem for many people. Have you ever noticed that as summer sets in, there is an odd musty odor that creeps in to your home seemingly coming from your basement? If this is the case, there may be some issues to address within your home to protect you and your family from the dangers that indoor fungal growth presents. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in learning more about, send me an email at .

Thanks again for reading,


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let's Do Lunch Slideshow

For those of you who couldn't make it to my presentation today or if you were there and want another look at the slide show, I have posted the slides from the slide show below. As always, please feel free to email or call me with any questions you may have.


ServiceMaster by Bell Inc.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Indoor Air Quality and Its Importance...Plus a Coupon Just for You!

Coming up very soon you will have a unique opportunity to sit in on a lunchtime seminar hosted by the Clarion Hospital. This happens quarterly, but why am I excited about the upcoming seminar? Because I am one of the featured speakers! That's right, I'll be at the Holiday Inn on February 9th at noon to give a presentation on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as part of Clarion Hospital's "Let's do Lunch" series.

The cost of each program is $6, and a full lunch is included. Programs begin at 12:00 noon and are held at the Holiday Inn of Clarion in the courtyard.

Reserve your seat by calling 814-226-1362. The deadline to make a reservation is the Friday before each program, which would be February 2, 2012.

Now if that isn't great enough, I'll sweeten the deal some more for you. At the end of the post I'm putting up a coupon for 10% off your next service of $100.00 or more with us at ServiceMaster by Bell Inc. To take advantage of this coupon you have to print it out and bring it to the seminar at noon on February 9, 2012 and see me afterwards. I'll endorse it, making it valid for use. Please note that any coupons that are not endorsed by me will not be valid.

So let me recap this post for you:
At noon on 2/9/2012 for $6.00 you get lunch and get to hear some great people talk about keeping a healthy and safe home. If you print off the coupon attached below and bring it to the seminar for me to endorse, you can save 10% off your next service bill of $100.00 or more with ServiceMaster by Bell Inc.

It doesn't get much better than that. Well, maybe it does, but not as far as I can see. So, clear your lunch hour on February 9th and I'll see you at the Clarion Holiday Inn.

Here's a link to Clarion Hospital's "Let's Do Lunch" page:

Also, here's a map of where the Holiday Inn is located, just in case you are not sure:

One last thing. As I promised, below is the coupon. Remember to print it out and bring it to the seminar for me to endorse. That is the only way to cash in on this offer.